Dear students:
A bittersweet end: A time for goodbyes, reflexion, thank you´s...
Enjoy the summer holidays!


Anónimo dijo...

Well, this school year time has flown by quickly again and summer is now eagerly waiting just ahead of us. So, I would like to take the chance and thank my whole class for making this year so unforgettable, with all the fun and laughter that lessons were filled with. I would also like to thank Mrs. Ferri for all her effort that she put in, into making lessons fun and trying to teach us the Spanish language in the most interactive and entertaining way possible. Now, I hope that you all have a safe summer holiday and come back fully relaxed and full of energy to start the next school year. I would also like to take the chance and wish all those leaving a prosperous future and good luck with whatever they do. I hope to keep in touch and please never forget the amazing times at BIS.

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Coaching en idiomas